

种子轮融资(Seed Funding)

Seed funding is the first official equity funding stage. It typically represents the first official money that a business venture or enterprise raises.


You can think of the “seed” funding as part of an an【我爱线报网】alogy for planting a tree. This early financial support is ideally the “seed” which will help to grow the business. Given enough revenue and a successful business strategy, as well as the perseverance and dedication of investors, the company will hopefully eventually grow into a “tree”. Seed funding【我爱线报网】 helps a company to finance its first steps, including things like market research and product development. With seed funding, a company has assistance in determining what its final products will be and who its target demographic is.


There are many potential investors in a seed funding situation: founders, friends, family, incubators, venture capital companies and more. One of the most common types of investors participating in seed funding is a so-called “angel 【我爱线报网】investor.” Angel investors tend to appreciate riskier ventures (such as startups with little by way of a proven track record so far) and expect an equity stake in the company in exchange for their investment.


For some startups, a seed funding round is all that the founders feel is necessary in order to successfully get their company off the ground; these companies may never engage in a Series A round of funding. Most companies raising seed funding are valued at somewhere between $3 million and $6 milli【我爱线报网】on.


A轮融资(Series A Funding)

In Series A funding, investors are not just looking for great ideas. Rather, they are looking for companies with great ideas as well as a strong strategy for turning that idea into a successful,【我爱线报网】 money-making business. For this reason, its common for firms going through Series A funding rounds to be valued at up to $23 million. Typically, Series A rounds raise approximately $2 million to $15 million, but this number has increased on average due to high tech industry valuations, or unicorns.【我爱线报网】 The average Series A funding as of 2020 is $15.6 million.


The investors involved in the Series A round come from more traditional venture capital firm【我爱线报网】s. Well-known venture capital firms that participate in Series A funding include Sequoia Capital, Benchmark Capital, Greylock and Accel Partners. Angel investors also invest at this stage, but they tend to have much less influence in this funding round than they did in the seed funding stage.


It is increasingly common for companies to use equity crowdfunding in order to generate capital as part of a Series A funding round. Part of the reason for this is the reality that many companies, even those which have s【我爱线报网】uccessfully generated seed funding, tend to fail to develop interest among investors as part of a Series A funding effort. Indeed, fewer than half of seed-funded companies will go on to raise Series A funds as well.


B轮融资(Se【我爱线报网】ries B Funding)

Companies that have gone through seed and Series A funding rounds have already developed substantial user bases and have proven to investors that they are prepared for success on a larger scale. Series B funding is used to grow the company so that it can meet these levels of demand.


The average estimated capital raised in a Series B round is $33 million. Companies undergoing a Series B funding round are well-established, and their valuations tend to reflect that; most Series B companies have valuations between around $30 milli【我爱线报网】on and $60 million, with an average of $58 million.


Series B appears similar to Series A in terms of the processes and key players. The difference with Series B is the addition of a new wave of other venture capital firms tha【我爱线报网】t specialize in later-stage investing.


C轮融资(Series C Funding)

Businesses that make it to Series C funding sessions are already quite successful, which have established, strong customer bases, revenue streams, and proven histories of growth. Thes【我爱线报网】e companies look for additional funding in order to help them develop new products, expand into new markets, or even to acquire other companies. In Series C rounds, investors inject capital into the meat of successful businesses, in an effort to receive more than double that amount back.


As the operation gets less risky, more investors come to play. In Series C, groups such as hedge funds, investment banks, private equity firms, and large secondary market groups accompany the type of investors mentioned a【我爱线报网】bove. The reason for this is that the company has already proven itself to have a successful business model; these new investors come to the table expecting to invest significant sums of money into companies that are already thriving as a means of helping to secure their own position as business lea【我爱线报网】ders.


Most commonly, a company will end its external equity funding with Series C. However, some companies can go on to Series D and even Series E rounds of funding as well. For th【我爱线报网】e most part, though, companies gaining up to hundreds of millions of dollars in funding through Series C rounds are prepared to continue to develop on a global scale. Many of these companies utilize Series C funding to help boost their valuation in anticipation of an IPO.






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